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Welcome to the Multi-Cultural Contents Research Project website.

Multi-cultural Contents Research Project was established in the December of 2007 when Chung-Ang University’s Cultural Contents and Technology Research Institute was included as one of Korea Research Foundation’s (currently the National Research Foundation of Korea) core research programs.

The project is dedicated to the study and development of multi-cultural contents for the enhancement of communication and promotion of co-existence in multi-cultural societies. The research strives to examine and analyze the cultural conflicts that exist in Korean society which is becoming ever more multi-cultural, to investigate and seek national identities relevant in such changing times, and to cultivate and promote cultural contents through which different cultures co-exist.

As Korean society now comprises more than one million foreign nationals, it is facing numerous conflicts—political, economic, cultural, and social—caused by rapid increases in human and material exchange. Research on the subject will bring to light the discrimination and prejudices faced by the “others” of Korean society as well as propose solutions and alternatives to the problems.

Thank you for visiting the Multi-Cultural Contents Research Project website and giving support for the project’s launch. We would appreciate your continued encouragement as the project develops. We hope the refurbished website will be valuable and will continue to attract your active participation and interest.

Lee Chan-Wook
Executive Director of Institute